Pay & Benefits

The sunsetting of the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act: What federal employees need to know

COMMENTARY | Learn about the potential changes and start planning now to mitigate any adverse effects on your financial situation.

All TSP portfolios posted modest gains in August

Each of the federal government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings program’s investment options gained value for the second straight month.

Biden formally announces 2% average pay raise for feds in 2025

The president each August must declare an “economic emergency” to prevent large automatic increases to locality pay from taking effect, in accordance with the Federal Employees Pay Comparability Act.

OPM reminds agencies to grant feds leave to vote

Federal workers are entitled to up to four hours of paid administrative leave to go to the polls, thanks to an executive order signed by President Biden in 2021.

Thank goodness for survivor benefits

Even if you have never had a job where you paid into Social Security, you may still be eligible to receive benefits.

House subcommittee wants VA to put more of a spotlight on its veteran employment program

In a field hearing of the Subcommittee on Economic Opportunity, House members pressed for more insights and potential exposure of the Veteran Readiness and Employment program. 

House lawmakers plan to force a vote on bill to kill provision that cuts some feds' retirement pay

The Social Security Fairness Act would abolish two tax provisions that reduce retirement benefits for some federal workers.

Senator says rule to stem Head Start employee turnover could bar children from early education

The HHS rule would require wage and benefit increases for Head Start staff, but Sen. Bill Cassidy, R-La., claimed the proposed changes would reduce funded, if vacant, slots in the education program.

Slam the Scam, again

Some tips for avoiding scams and resources for help if you become victim to a scam artist.

Feds in Iraq will continue to receive special premium pay, OPM says

Due to an ongoing national emergency in the country dating back to the 2003 war, civilian employees in Iraq will be able to waive the premium pay cap through December, according to a recent memo from the HR agency. 

GSA: Per diem rates for federal workers will increase this fall

The amount of money federal agencies will reimburse employees for traveling expenses will increase for both lodging and for meals and incidentals beginning in October.

Retirement planning issues for women

There are five retirement challenges that many women face when planning for their future.

Focusing on the pay gap undermines the commitment to equity

COMMENTARY | The pay gap, as the Office of Personnel Management has defined it, is an artificial number comparing the average pay of men and women. This comparison pits men and women against each other, argues one observer.

How to decide if Medicare Part D is right for you

Although most federal annuitants might benefit from keeping Part D, there are three instances where you could benefit from opting out.

Soon feds may be able to file health insurance claims online

A new Biden administration initiative to crack down on “unnecessary headaches” for consumers will include plans for employees on the Federal Employees Health Benefits and Postal Service Health Benefits plans to submit out-of-network claims online, alongside other updates.

Managing your Social Security benefits

Wondering when you should start receiving your Social Security benefits, how much it might be and if the Social Security trust fund will run out of money? We answer those questions, and more.

Federal government needs better oversight of TSP’s records system

A GAO report found that the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board did not ensure that acquisition management practices were fully enforced when it modernized the system that oversees its 401(k)-style retirement savings program.