TOTAL PURCHASES $203,842,394,000 FISCAL 2000 CONTRACT AWARDS ($000s)
Rank Parent Company Total DoD Civilian DoD Rank Civilian Rank
101 COLSA Corp. 206,798 56,295 150,503 217 64
102 Clark Enterprises 206,385 0 206,385 -- 44
103 Bindley Western Industries 205,729 204,040 1,689 62 --
104 Salient 3 Communications Inc. 202,850 182,885 19,965 67 359
105 Veridian Corp. 202,336 187,029 15,307 65 461
106 Wackenhut Corp. 201,837 2,796 199,041 -- 45
107 Compaq Computer Corp. 199,973 72,626 127,347 172 74
108 Tyco International Ltd. 196,074 130,304 65,770 92 125
109 Arco Management of Washington 195,846 0 195,846 -- 46
110 Management & Training Corp. 195,490 0 195,490 -- 47
111 CH2M Hill Companies Ltd. 194,688 130,231 64,457 93 131
112 Oracle Corp. 194,153 125,070 69,083 97 121
113 Orbital Sciences Corp. 194,000 97,306 96,694 128 94
114 Pacific Gas & Electric Co. 192,325 172,576 19,749 69 361
115 SRA International Inc. 187,751 50,319 137,432 244 67
116 Westat Inc. 186,175 2,284 183,891 -- 49
117 Philip Morris Co. 185,930 166,976 18,954 72 377
118 Cubic Corp. 184,274 184,274 0 66 --
119 Midwest Research Institute 183,840 5,535 178,305 -- 50
120 ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd. 183,725 51,878 131,847 232 71
121 B.F. Goodrich Co. 181,798 178,663 3,135 68 --
122 General Atomics Tech. Corp. 176,906 134,234 42,672 89 185
123 Xerox Corp. 174,308 81,475 92,833 153 102
124 Getronics 173,476 58,858 114,618 208 80
125 PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP 171,752 69,865 101,887 175 90
126 Costain Group P.L.C. 171,104 0 171,104 -- 52
127 ESCO Electronics Corp. 169,651 169,646 5 71 --
128 Signal Corp. 168,627 59,475 109,152 201 82
129 Merck-Medco Managed Care LLC 167,000 0 167,000 -- 53
130 Chugach Alaska Corp. 166,993 152,004 14,989 77 472
131 Powell Mountain Coal Co. Inc. 166,400 0 166,400 -- 54
132 Braintree Maritime Corp. 165,440 165,440 0 73 --
133 Ohio Valley Electric Corp. 164,944 0 164,944 -- 55
134 Lucent Technologies Inc. 164,802 148,942 15,860 80 447
135 Cargill Inc. 164,503 429 164,074 -- 59
136 Teledyne Technologies Inc. 159,575 145,617 13,958 83 503
137 Tetra Tech Inc. 158,057 84,045 74,012 148 117
138 Sprint Corp. 155,804 142,166 13,638 85 514
139 OAO Corp. 151,499 27,629 123,870 427 76
140 Blackstone Dredging Partners 149,969 149,969 0 78 --
141 URS Corp. 149,846 93,320 56,526 136 147
142 Ball Corp. 149,842 77,436 72,406 163 119
143 United Industrial Corp. 149,771 149,751 20 79 --
144 E.L. Du Pont de Nemours & Co. 149,410 140,135 9,275 87 749
145 Gencorp Inc. 148,723 122,350 26,373 100 281
146 Motor Oil Hellas 148,474 148,432 42 81 --
147 Metro Machine Corp. 147,301 147,301 0 82 --
148 Ocean Shipholdings Inc. 144,123 144,123 0 84 --
149 Concurrent Technologies Corp. 143,233 111,582 31,651 107 242
150 Hunt Building Corp. 140,314 140,314 0 86 --
151 Electric Energy Inc. 140,200 0 140,200 -- 66
152 Rand Corp. 139,464 127,079 12,385 95 563
153 GEC Associates Inc. 136,564 0 136,564 -- 69
154 EDO Corp. 136,352 135,742 610 88 --
155 Sierra Health Services 134,022 134,022 0 90 --
156 P.J. Dick Contracting Inc. 130,734 1,457 129,277 -- 73
157 Humana Inc. 129,163 129,163 0 94 --
158 Union Pacific Railroad Co. 126,856 44 126,812 -- 75
159 Technology Mgmt. and Analysis Corp. 126,399 122,980 3,419 99 --
160 Micron PC 125,862 87,720 38,142 144 204
161 Parker-Hannifin Corp. 125,741 124,723 1,018 98 --
162 McKesson Corp. 123,619 101,550 22,069 120 329
163 Research Triangle Institute 122,804 4,639 118,165 -- 78
164 University of Texas System 122,277 68,960 53,317 177 158
165 Spectrum Research Inc. 121,408 112,279 9,129 106 765
166 Coastal Corp. 121,294 109,429 11,865 111 586
167 Holly Corp. 121,075 121,075 0 101 --
168 Accenture 120,822 59,199 61,623 204 134
169 Dominion Resources Inc. 116,833 12,159 104,674 968 86
170 PMX Industries Inc. 115,376 0 115,376 -- 79
171 Caterpillar Inc. 114,438 106,324 8,114 114 851
172 Eagan McAllister Assn. 114,288 114,263 25 103 --
173 Telos Corp. 114,171 85,981 28,190 146 263
174 Primex Technologies Inc. 114,106 113,327 779 105 --
175 Archer-Daniels-Midland Co. 113,972 11,860 102,112 984 88
176 Milcom Systems Corp. 112,414 111,271 1,143 108 --
177 Illinois Institute of Technology 112,267 98,916 13,351 124 528
178 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. 112,093 111,106 987 109 --
179 Bill Harbert International Construction 111,873 70,737 41,136 174 190
180 ITC 110,322 30,665 79,657 383 112
181 Aspen Systems Corp. 109,629 372 109,257 -- 81
182 APL Limited 109,158 107,117 2,041 112 --
183 Corrections Corp. of America 108,405 0 108,405 -- 83
184 U.S. Investigations Services 108,392 80 108,312 -- 84
185 EER Systems Corp. 107,123 98,322 8,801 125 792
186 Combat Support Associates 107,014 107,014 0 113 --
187 Siemens AG 106,113 52,821 53,292 227 159
188 American Ordnance LLC 104,992 104,992 0 115 --
189 World Wide Technology Inc. 104,093 39,593 64,500 309 130
190 Glenwood Pharmacy 104,017 103,838 179 116 --
191 Montgomery Watson Inc. 103,902 103,077 825 117 --
192 Andersen 103,049 6,785 96,264 -- 95
193 Hewlett-Packard Co. 102,691 68,179 34,512 179 222
194 Coastal Aruba Fuel Co. 102,226 102,226 0 118 --
195 Res-Care Inc. 101,967 0 101,967 -- 89
196 Williams Energy Services Co. 101,571 90,745 10,826 140 647
197 National Beef Packing Co. 100,813 100,813 0 121 --
198 Fletcher Challenge Ltd. 100,631 99,073 1,558 123 --
199 Tennessee Mining Inc. 100,515 0 100,515 -- 91
200 American Automar Inc. 100,289 97,289 3,000 129 --

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