Bull Fighting
your enterprise architecture really is, or how easily a global knowledge capitalization program can facilitate cultural evolution within various shared interest groups? Or maybe you're wondering what on earth-if anything-all that claptrap means?
Absolutely nothing, according to executives at Deloitte Consulting, who have unveiled a new program called Bull Fighter. The program is intended to eliminate obfuscating technological jargon from business writing.
With the click of a button, Bull Fighter will rate any document with its aptly named Bull Composite Index. Writings receive a score from zero to 10-10 being excellent, and zero a sign that you should probably stop trying to communicate using words altogether.
So, does Bull Fighter work? Government Executive editors put a random sampling of texts to the test.
- The Declaration of Independence: 6.8. Bull Fighter says: "The overall meaning remains discernible but it becomes possible to lose oneself in corollary thoughts."
- President Bush's 2002 State of the Union Address: 7.6. "Mostly clear, with some unnecessarily long words and sentences."
- Part 19 of the Federal Acquisition Regulation, for determining small business' eligibility for special programs: 4.3. "You shower readers with gratuitous, interminable and often weighty if not impossibly labyrinthine prose. . . . Seek help."
- Homeland Security Department's explanation of its color-coded advisory system: Also 4.3.