The Long-Timer
Dave Braunius, 44, New Hampshire
Federal Aviation Administration
When did you start investing in the TSP?
Immediately upon being hired in 1987. I remember starting at 5 percent, because they told us about the 5 percent match.
How often do you check on your investments?
I would say probably daily. Or I just check the indexes. I would say it's a hobby.
What's your investment philosophy?
I was invested in the C Fund. I was in that for years and was ecstatic because it was going up and up. And then the year 2000 comes around and there is a downturn in stocks. And over a three-year period, the C Fund lost over 40 percent of its value. My philosophy is to pay close attention to it so I can maximize my return when things are good, but try to avoid any extended downturns.
How important is the TSP to your retirement plan?
I would say very. I'm counting on it to provide a portion of my income when I retire. I can't say what percentage, but significant.
Where are your TSP assets located right now?
Today, they're in the G Fund. That's because the stock market is starting to seem to me a little bit like it did in 2000, very euphoric, nothing can go wrong. It's giving me that sense of it's a little poppy, a little overextended.
NEXT STORY: Unshared Savings