Global Workforce

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Global Workforce

State Department employees: 57,299
Foreign Service officers: 11,242
Employees serving abroad: 7,587*
U.S. diplomatic missions overseas: 266
Countries with which the United States has diplomatic relations: 188

*Foreign Service and civil service employees

Source: State Department

Dangerous Jobs

Foreign Service personnel who serve in unaccompanied posts cannot bring their family members with them, usually because the location is too dangerous. The Bush administration has deployed more of the Foreign Service to dangerous locales, particularly Iraq and Afghanistan. Since shortly before the Sept. 11 attacks, the number of unaccompanied posts has doubled, and the number of positions at those posts has tripled.

June 2001 Current
Unaccompanied posts 10 22
Unaccompanied positions* 203 700

Source: State Department

NEXT STORY: Heavy Workload