Space Race

Soon after its birth, NASA pulled away from the Defense Department in space spending, but with Defense's increasing interest in surveillance and security from above, the two agencies, and their stellar investments, are growing closer.

(In Billions *)
(In Billions *)
1959 $1.3 $2.4
60 2.215 2.689
1961 4.4 3.9
62 8.420 6.082
63 16.8 7.2
64 22.946 7.315
1965 23.2 7.1
66 22.490 7.500
67 20.6 7.1
68 18.654 8.093
1969 15.5 8.2
70 13.790 6.524
1971 11.4 5.6
72 10.772 4.935
73 10.3 5.4
74 8.827 5.650
1975 8.7 5.7
76 8.762 5.387
77 8.4 5.9
78 8.517 6.436
1979 8.9 6.7
80 9.557 7.858
1981 9.4 9.1
82 9.482 11.456
83 10.2 14.5
84 10.538 15.665
1985 10.3 18.9
86 10.279 20.265
87 13.7 22.8
88 11.360 24.133
1989 13.4 23.7
90 14.590 19.881
1991 16.0 17.4
92 15.603 17.759
93 15.1 16.3
94 14.683 14.845
1995 13.8 11.7
96 13.567 12.428
97 13.2 12.4
98 12.830 12.869
1999 12.8 13.6
00 13.134 12.708
2001 13.3 14.3

*(Inflation-adjusted dollars)

Source: NASA

NEXT STORY: Danger Zones