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Reader Response:
On the Nextgov Bold Award winners:
“I’m recently retired, having worked for a
Naval engineering command in California. We performed challenging energy and environmental technology projects at bases worldwide. We had a motivated workforce and were in high demand. I’ll pit my folks in the government against private industry engineers anytime.”
—Rock LeGarde
On opening FEHBP to non-feds:
“I would say leave us alone! Let’s see how Obamacare works FIRST. Then, if it is the cure-all that they claim it to be, then let’s discuss the best way to do it. I suspect that it will be a few years before all of the bugs are worked out when all is said and done, IF they don’t repeal it. In the meantime, the FEHB program is a mature one. At least they won’t have to worry about us if and when they screw up everybody else.”
—Leah Marquard
On the Defense budget:
“So, we are going to attack the smaller 27 cents portion of the overall dollar to find savings? Seems like the typical decision inside the Beltway—harm the people and leave bloated programs intact. An in-depth look on how DOD plans to trim waste, fraud and abuse out of the other 73 cents of the dollar would be a much better area to shine a light on.”
“So we want to lower the pay of those people who put their lives on the line for our liberty? Hmmm, the trend seems to be how can we get our best and brightest to stay out of federal service now in both the civilian and service side. Maybe one of the major government contractors is wondering how it can provide contracted soldier services.”
On the retirement wave:
“Planning to punch out 10/1/14 along with most of my co-workers, leaving the department with NO experience or expertise. Few will be replaced and those that are will be contractors. Good luck with that. Not my problem. In 30 years, I’ve never seen morale so low.”
On restoring trust in government:
“Trust in government might be restored if Congress started to do their job again instead of spending all of their time on political grandstanding.”
NEXT STORY: Fighting The Future Enemy