Government Executive : Vol. 41 No. 8 (7/1/09)

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  • The New Guardians
    Coast Guard chief Thad Allen and his team are remaking the service from the inside out.
    By Katherine McIntire Peters
  • Inner Workings
    The way agencies bring new employees on board and help them acclimate to the culture can have a net effect on recruiting.
    By Alyssa Rosenberg
  • Down for the Count
    Shifting demographics coupled with a decade of budget and management woes have put the 2010 census on shaky ground.
    By Eliza Newlin Carney


  • Plucking IT Talent
    Government faces steep competition as it tries to beef up its ranks with technology specialists. By Gautham Nagesh
  • Cost of Risk
    Fixed-price stimulus contracts could create more problems than they solve. By Robert Brodsky
  • For Good Measure
    Picking up where the Bush team left off in setting up meaningful performance metrics. By Elizabeth Newell


  • Managing Technology

    Twittery Jitters
    New social media sites raise age-old dangers of unauthorized software. By Carolyn Duffy Marsan
  • Management Matters

    Finding Flexibility
    Why are the happiest workers in government so happy?By Brian Friel
  • Intelligence File

    Gone Missing
    Congress has the tools to check intelligence agencies, but doesn't use them. By Shane Harris


  • Editor's Notebook
    Join us at our breakthrough federal management forum. By Tom Shoop
  • Briefing
    Vegas, baby; putting it in perspective; minding the shop; weight management; and by the numbers.
  • Perspectives
    British politicians and American corporate titans are targets of the public's wrath. By Timothy B. Clark

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