Government Executive : Vol. 41 No. 4 (4/1/09)
Behind the Curtain
What transparency really means.
By Andrew Noyes -
Building the Recovery
The pressure is on federal agencies to figure out how to manage billions of dollars in economic stimulus funds for construction projects.
By Elizabeth Newell -
Spying Talent
Human capital chief Ronald Sanders says the intelligence community is only as good as its people, so agencies have upped the ante.
By Brittany Ballenstedt
Reading the IT Leaves
Although the Obama administration has given little direction on budgets, managers still can decipher where to put their money. By Jill R. Aitoro -
In a Bind
An Obama executive order limits contractors' hiring options. By Robert Brodsky
Managing Technology
Unlocking Ideas
Informed agencies use social media to brainstorm without exposing secrets. By Carolyn Duffy Marsan -
Management Matters
All Ears
Good managers don't just listen, they respond and act. By Brian Friel -
Intelligence File
Reading the Signs
Crises occur when we have the wrong kinds of information. By Shane Harris -
Crunch Time
Agencies must build a skills-based workforce for the 21st century. By Bill Leidinger
Editor's Notebook
Transparency and the alternate universe of federal spending. By Tom Shoop -
Road warriors, economic stimulus checklist, record-breaking war games and more than just eye candy. -
The president is on a quest to reconcile his ambitions with available dollars. By Timothy B. Clark
NEXT STORY: Eight Steps to a Risk Strategy