The Long Road
Clarence Kelley
FBI Director, 1973-1978
The FBI was stung by revelations about its counterintelligence operations against U.S. citizens during Kelley's term. The scandals brought strict limits on FBI intelligence gathering.
William Webster
FBI Director, 1978-1987
Following a number of terrorist attacks in 1982, Webster made counterterrorism the FBI's fourth-highest priority.
Louis Freeh
FBI Director, 1993-2001
Freeh tried to loosen the restrictions on the FBI's counterterrorism and intelligence work. He initiated an exchange of senior counterterrorism personnel between the FBI and the CIA to foster cooperation between the agencies.
Robert Mueller
FBI Director, 2001-Present
After the Sept. 11 attacks, Mueller made counterterrorism the FBI's top priority. The attorney general and Congress lifted many restrictions on the bureau's terrorist investigations.
NEXT STORY: Keeping a Watchful Eye