Making the Best Decision

Here are some things you need to factor into any outsourcing decision.

  • Know exactly what you need in terms of network management-the staff, the technology, and the software-even if you choose to outsource these functions.
  • Before selecting a method or contractor, talk to as many vendors as possible, asking about both technical capabilities and financial stability.
  • Determine whether your agency culture and the culture of the potential outsourcer match.
  • To help ensure you get the best features, functions and contractors, talk over your requirements with all potential vendors before developing a request for proposals.
  • Before making your final choice, talk to CIOs who have successfully outsourced network management.
  • Seek advice from market research firms and executive-level staff of major corporations, as well as from government and industry groups like the CIO Council, Federation of Information Processing Councils (FGIPC), Industry Advisory Council (IAC) and the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA).
  • Include an exit strategy in all outsourcing contracts so, if the relationship sours, you can end it easily and smoothly move to another outsourcing firm or method of network management.

NEXT STORY: Communication Breakdown