The Federal Performance Project

he Federal Performance Project is an effort to answer a fundamental question: How well are federal agencies managed?

That management matters is a core belief of the Federal Performance Project, a partnership of Government Executive and The George Washington University Department of Public Administration. The project is funded by The Pew Charitable Trusts. For four years we've rated federal agencies' management abilities. We've assessed management of human resources, information, physical assets and finances as well as ability to manage for results at 27 agencies. We focus our reviews on management capacity because it is an indicator of agencies' health and ability to deliver results. We also believe that reporting what stands in the way of good management can help political leaders and the public understand the challenges involved in running government programs and what needs to be done to help them run better.

FPP Issues

May 2002
April 2001
March 2000
February 1999


The George Washington University
The George Washington University Department of Public Administration

Pew Charitable Trusts
Pew Charitable Trusts

NEXT STORY: Making The Grade