1999 Top Defense Foreign Contractors

TOTAL PURCHASES $4,594,548,000
Rank Parent Company Amount ($000s) Market Share
1 General Electric Co. PLC $873,850 19.02%
2 Rolls Royce PLC 273,044 5.94
3 Royal Dutch Petroleum Co. 258,898 5.63
4 Government of Germany 223.179 4.86
5 Canadian Commercial Corp. 171,590 3.73
6 European Utilities Companies 137,088 2.98
7 Okinawa Electric Power Co. 80,645 1.76
8 Kuwait National Petroleum Co. 63,882 1.39
9 Duchossois Industries Inc. 61,284 1.33
10 Compania Espanola de Petroleos 61,000 1.33
11 Tokyo Denryoku KK 59,329 1.29
12 Siemens AG 44,356 0.97
13 SKE Maintenance GMBH 42,456 0.92
14 Phillip Holzmann 40,699 0.89
15 Deutsche Telekom Aktiengesells 39,669 0.86
16 British Aerospace PLC 37,328 0.81
17 Government of the Netherlands 35,584 0.77
18 Greenland Contractors 35,249 0.77
19 Korea Electric Power Corp. 34,327 0.75
20 Williams Holdings PLC 33,012 0.72
21 Fn Fabrique Nationale De Herst 31,854 0.69
22 Saudi Operation & Maintenance 31,145 0.68
23 Cooperativa Muratori Riuniti 29,478 0.64
24 BTR PLC 27,980 0.61
25 Petrofina SA 27,881 0.61

Rankings are based on prime contracts of $25,000 or more for foreign-owned contractors.

Top 200 Federal Contractors Tables Index