Government Executive July 1999 Vol.31, No.7

Richard Calder sets up shop at the CIA.
The Company Goes Commercial

Behaving Badly
Lessons learned the hard way at the Veterans Affairs Department could teach other agencies about preventing sexual harassment.

Sales Force
The Federal Supply Service has become a purchasing powerhouse by driving tough deals to win lower prices for agencies on more than 4 million products and services.

The Millennium Spin
Agencies are struggling to provide information about the year 2000 problem without setting off a panic.

High Hopes
The Housing and Urban Development Department has a reputation as one of the federal government's most hapless bureaucracies. That's why so much is riding on dramatic reforms like those in Tulsa, Okla.

Special Report: The Management Game
A special report on winning federal management strategies.

Defense Beat: Budgeting Should Not Be an Emergency
Marketplace : Paperless Procurement an Uphill Climb
Travel: Way to Go!
Thinking Ahead: The Networker
Managing Technology: ERP: Sizzling or Stumbling?; Still Asleep at the Wheel?

Editor's Notebook
The Public Service: A President's Just Due
Congress:The Bugle's Fading Call
The Media: That's Entertainment

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NEXT STORY: Don't be a target