Pay Dirt Web Links
Since you've come to this page, chances are you've just read Anne Laurent's "Pay Dirt" from the June 1999 issue of Government Executive (See www.govexec.com/features/0699/0699s2.htm).
To find out more about federal payroll processing services, try these links:
National Finance Center
NFC provides centralized, automated, integrated systems and support services for payroll, personnel, administrative payments, accounts receivable, property management, budget, and accounting activities.
National Business Center
The National Business Center Products and Services mission is to improve economy and efficiency in Government through the delivery of standard, automated administrative systems, centralized operations, and other performance-enhancing services.
Veterans Affairs Department HR LINK$
Human Resources Links (HR LINK$) is a unique service delivery model which brings together state-of-the-art software, systems, and structure to streamline human resources and payroll activities. HR LINK$ provides for a paperless system and modernizes business practices.
Government Agencies in Partnership (GAP)
GAP is comprised of Federal agencies conducting business in a fee-for-service/working capital fund environment. More specifically, GAP membership includes representatives from those agencies which offer information technology (IT), financial management, and other administrative products and services on a reimbursable basis.
The Federal Agency Guide to Cross-Servicing
Need some guidance on buying payroll support services from another agency on a reimbursable basis? Look no further than the Treasury Department's Financial Management Service. The FMS guide includes a directory of contacts at federal agencies who set up cross-servicing arrangements. A neat factoid from FMS: Cross-servicing has eliminated nearly one hundred payroll systems in the last five years.
American Society for Payroll Management
If you're looking for a comprehensive list of outside payroll services vendors, just visit the American Society for Payroll Management's Web site (hey, there's an association for everything). The society's vendors page lists no fewer than 32 private companies in the payroll business.
BuyersZone's Payroll Service Buyers Guide is written for private sector businesses, but it includes tips that federal buyers can profit from, too. The guide includes sections on "questions to ask," "when to outsource," and "choosing a provider."
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