Tricks of the Trade
Here are some tips for conjuring up a successful consulting relationship.
- Only hire consultants when you truly need them.
- Know what you want; don't let the consultant define the project. Set performance goals and measure progress.
- Beware the "one big solution." Divide projects into increments.
- Network inside and outside your agency for good advice about which firm has done excellent work on similar projects.
- Check references with people who have worked with the firm on similar engagements.
- Use oral proposals as a chance to meet the consultant's staffers who would work on your project. Check their references and demand they stay with the project once the contract is let.
- Check the references of subcontractors, as well.
- Keep your own staff informed about the project and its goals.
- Use multiple award schedules, governmentwide contracts and indefinite delivery/in
definite quantity vehicles to hire consultants quickly. - Assign your best people to work with, learn from and keep an eye on consultants.
- Make sure you and your managers remain in control and make all key policy decisions.