DoD Goes Paperless

November 1997

Saving Time and Money

The Defense Travel System cut the current 40 travel processing steps to 21 (measure is average results of 21 pilot sites reporting)
Measure Current system DTS pilot % change
4.5 hours 1.7 hours -68%
Cost $93 $41 -56%
Cycle time 11 days 6 days -48%

Defense Travel System on Track

June 1997 RFP released

August 1997 Proposals in

December 1997 Contracts awarded

May 1998 First sites in Defense Travel

Region 6 on new DTS

1998 Rest of region phased in as
current contracts expire

1999 Other regions worldwide start joining DTS

2001 All DoD on new DTS

NEXT STORY: GIS Puts Information on the Map