Performance-Based Service Contracting POC List

Performance-Based Service Contracting POC List


Agency Points of Contact

Office of Federal Procurement Policy
Mr. Stanley Kaufman, Dep. Assoc. Admin.
Ms. Linda Mesaros, Dep. Assoc. Admin
FAX: 202-395-5105
725 17th Street, NW Room 9001
Washington, DC 20503

Department of Agriculture
Mr. Richard Holcombe
FAX: 202-720-8972
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Administration
Procurement Policy Division
Department of Agriculture
Room 1546, South Building
14th and Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20250-1400

Department of Commerce
Mr. Kenneth J. Buck
FAX: 202-482-1711
Acting Procurement Executive
Office of Acquisition Management
Department of Commerce - Room 6424
14th Street and Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20230

Department of Defense
Mr. David Drabkin
FAX: 703-614-1690
Assistant Deputy Under Secretary for Defense
Acquisition Reform
3620 Defense Pentagon, Room 2A-330
Washington, DC 20301-3620

Air Force
Mr. Hans Jerald
FAX: 703-697-8817
4C276 Air Force Pentagon
Washington, DC 20330

Mr. Robert Friedrich
FAX: 703-681-7580
Procurement Officer
US Contract Support Agency
5109 Leesburg Pike - Suite 916
Falls Church, VA 22041-3201

Defense Logistics Agency
Mr. Dick Higgenbotham
FAX: 703-767-1475
Defense Logistics Agency, STE 2533
8725 John J. Kingman Road
Ft. Belvoir, VA 22060-6221

Mr. Bob Johnson
FAX: 703-602-4514
Department of Navy
2211 Jefferson Davis Highway
Room 506
Arlington, VA 22202

Department of Education
Mr. Glenn G. Perry
FAX: 202-708-8776
Acting Director, Contracts
Grants and Contracts Service
Department of Education
ROB #3, Room 3660
600 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, DC 20202

Department of Energy
Mr. Jerry Bellows
FAX: 202-586-1025
Manager, Contract Reform Project Office
Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Room 4B-172
Washington, DC 20585

Department of Health and Human Services
Mr. Terrence J. Tychan
FAX: 202-690-6902
Deputy Assistant Secretary
for Grants and Acquisition Management
Department of Health and Human Services
200 Independence Avenue, SW
Room 517D - HHH Building
Washington, DC 20201

Department of Housing and Urban Development
Mr. Craig Durkin
Acting Director
Office of Procurement and Contracts
Department of Housing and Urban Development
451 Seventh Street, SW - Room 5272
Washington, DC 20410

Department of the Interior
Mr. Michael M. Del-Colle
FAX: 703-787-1009
Chief, Procurement and Property Division
Department of the Interior - 2107 PAB
381 Elden Street
Herndon, VA 22070

Department of Justice
Ms. Janis Sposato
FAX: 202-514-6145
Procurement Executive
Department of Justice
Room 1228 - Ariel Rios Building
12th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530

Department of State
Ms. Lynn Hudson
FAX: 703-875-6155
Director, Office of Policy
Department of State
Office of Procurement Executive
Room 603, State Annex
Washington, DC 20522-0602

Department of Transportation
Mr. Dennis DeGaetano
FAX: 202-267-5555
Director of Acquisitions
Department of Transportation
Federal Aviation Administration
800 Independence Avenue, SW -ASU-1
Washington, DC 20591

Department of the Treasury
Mr. James T. Ryan
FAX: 703-440-6088
Director, Office of Automated Systems Operations
U.S. Customs Service
1301 Constitution Avenue, NW, Room 7322
Washington, DC 20229

Department of Veterans Affairs
Mr. Gary Krump
FAX: 202-273-6163
Deputy Assistant Secretary for Acquisition and Materiel Management (90)
Deparment of Veterans Affairs
Room 715D
810 Vermont Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20420

Agency For International Development
Mr. Marcus L. Stevenson
FAX: 703-875-1519
Office of Procurement
Agency for International Development
SA-14, Room 1501
Washington, DC 20523

Consumer Product Safety Commission
Mr. Thomas W. Murr, Jr.
FAX: 301-504-0121
Deputy Executive Director
Consumer Product Safety Commission
4330 East-West Highway
Bethesda, MD 20814

Environmental Protection Agency
Ms. Betty L. Bailey
FAX: 202-260-6881
Director, Office of Acquisition Management (PM-214-F)
Environmental Protection Agency
401 M Street, SW, Room 805
Washington, DC 20460

Federal Emergency Management Agency
Ms. Christine A. Makris
FAX: 202-646-3695
Chief, Policy and Evaluation Division
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Federal Center Plaza
500 C Street, SW - Room 726
Washington, DC 20472

General Services Administration
Ms. Ida Ustad
FAX: 202-501-3341
Office of Acquisition Policy (VP)
General Services Administration
18th & F Streets, NW, Room 4033
Washington, DC 20405

Mr. John Clark
FAX: 202-501-2856
ADP Telecommunications Analyst
General Services Administration - KMAB
18th & F Streets, NW - Room 3201
Washington, DC 20405
(Information Technology Contracts)

Internal Revenue Service
Mr. Henry Philcox
Chief Information Officer
1350 East-West Highway
Department of Commerce - 9626
Silver Spring, MD 20910

National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Mr. Thomas Luedtka
FAX: 202-358-3082
Deputy Associate Administrator
National Aeronautics and Space Administration - Code H
Washington, DC 20546

National Science Foundation
Mr. Robert Hardy
FAX: 703-306-0280
Division of Contracts, Policy & Oversight
National Science Foundation
4201 Wilson Boulevard, Room 475
Arlington, VA 22230

Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Ms. Patricia G. Norry
FAX: 301-415-5400
Office of Administration
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
6700 Maryland National Bank Building
Washington, DC 20555

Railroad Retirement Board
Mr. Henry M. Valiulis
FAX: 312-751-4923
Bureau of Supply and Service
Railroad Retirement Board - Room 1230
844 North Rush Street
Chicago, IL 60611-2092

Small Business Administration
Ms. Judith A. Roussel
FAX: 202-205-7324
Associate Administrator for Government Contracting
Small Business Administration
409 Third Street, SW - 5th Floor
Washington, DC 20416

Tennessee Valley Authority
Mr. Kenneth E. Tilley
FAX: 615-751-2914
Commodity Manager
Tennessee Valley Authority
P.O. Box 11127 (WR3F-C)
Chattanooga, TN 37401-2127

NEXT STORY: NASA's Strategic Plan