Government Executive February 1997 Vol.29, No.2

In the name of protecting national security, Big Brother is prying deeper into federal managers' personal lives.
The Need to Know

The Ratings Whirl
Once, only your boss's opinion mattered at appraisal time. If the 360-degree feedback craze continues, you may find yourself ringed by raters, including your co-workers, subordinates and even your customers.

Going the Distance for Training
Agencies are increasingly turning to distance learning as an affordable means of keeping employees trained and informed in the ever-changing federal workforce.

The Defense Commissary Agency isn't just selling groceries. It's selling itself as a model of performance-based government.

Been There, Done That
The agency's career deputy gets marching orders from the new political appointee to decentralize--an approach with a checkered past.

Editor's Notebook, Defense Beat, Information Technology, Viewpoint, Travel, Management, Letters.

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NEXT STORY: Another Federal Code to Crack