Government Executive February 1997 Vol.29, No.2
The Ratings Whirl
Once, only your boss's opinion mattered at appraisal time. If the 360-degree feedback craze continues, you may find yourself ringed by raters, including your co-workers, subordinates and even your customers.
Going the Distance for Training
Agencies are increasingly turning to distance learning as an affordable means of keeping employees trained and informed in the ever-changing federal workforce.
The Defense Commissary Agency isn't just selling groceries. It's selling itself as a model of performance-based government.
Been There, Done That
The agency's career deputy gets marching orders from the new political appointee to decentralize--an approach with a checkered past.
Editor's Notebook, Defense Beat, Information Technology, Viewpoint, Travel, Management, Letters.
NEXT STORY: Another Federal Code to Crack