Government Executive December 1996 Vol.28, No.12
Short Fuse
Agency downsizing, benefit cutoffs and growing hatred of government have left federal employees more vulnerable than ever to workplace violence.
Banking on Efficiency
The Army Materiel Command says it can deliver $2 billion in savings by improving its business practices. It better come through, because the Army has already banked on the savings.
Bombs Away
The men and women who watch over the world's most powerful weapons are granted no margin for error. Especially now, as America's nuclear arsenal is being downsized.
Icons of Technology
The fifth annual Federal Technology Leadership Awards Program honors 24 leading edge projects.
A Watchful Eye
When troops in Baumholder, Germany are called to duty, one detachment is left behind-to keep the home fires burning.
1997 Federal Travel Guide
Travel reforms are taking some of the indignity out of traveling for the government. Government Executive's annual Federal Travel Sourcebook explains which rules changed in 1996. Also, discover how to make the best use of your frequent flier miles and peruse our picks for the best federal travel resources on the Web.
Editor's Notebook, Information Technology, Public Administration, Books, Letters.
NEXT STORY: Environment: Old Issues, Familiar Cast