Divided Government

Divided Government


resident Clinton was re-elected Tuesday by amassing a landslide victory in the Electoral College and capturing nearly 50 percent of the popular vote.

Clinton carried 31 states and the District of Columbia for 379 electoral votes. Bob Dole carried 19 states and 109 electoral votes. Dole carried Republican stalwarts in the South including Texas and Oklahoma, but lost in Florida, a traditional GOP stronghold.

Republicans retained control of the Senate and House by narrow margins. The GOP picked up seats in Alabama and Nebraska and held on in closely-contested races in Virginia and New Hampshire.

Democrats did better in the House, ousting several GOP freshmen who rode into Washington on the wave of Newt Gingrich's Republican revolution in 1994. But they were unable to take the 20 seats necessary to win a majority.

Clinton was the first Democrat since Franklin Roosevelt to be re-elected. He was also the first Democratic President in history to be elected at the same time as an opposition party was elected to a majority of Congressional seats. The Republican Party reached its own landmark: holding both houses of Congress for two consecutive terms for the first time since 1930.

For complete coverage of the effects of the election on federal employees, go back to the Features section of our front page.

NEXT STORY: Unions Flex Their Muscle