Though Congress enacted a law aimed at ending agencies’ abuse of involuntary administrative leave, the federal government’s dedicated HR agency has yet to implement its key provisions.
The deal also locks in a maximum of four days per week of telework, though labor leaders said that the agency will likely want to renegotiate the benefit after two years.
Four U.S. scientists and researchers will work in the State Department’s Science Envoy Program representing the country's scientific interests and advancing international partnerships.
Although Congress passed a law aimed at preventing federal workers accused of misconduct from being stuck in limbo in 2016, the federal government’s HR agency never issued regulations to implement the measure.
Union leaders said a recent winter flood of a building at the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center is just a symptom of systematic mismanagement of the facility.
The legislation comes after a watchdog agency concluded hastily conducted relocations during the Trump administration caused staff exoduses and harmed agencies’ service delivery.
The federal science community is concerned that the Biden administration is "blowing it" in its efforts to shield employees from undue influence and political retribution.
The Agriculture Department’s Economic Research Service and National Institutes of Food and Agriculture shed more than half their workforces following their relocation from Washington to Kansas City.
The remains of more than 100,000 Native Americans are held by prestigious U.S. institutions, despite a 1990 law meant to return them to tribal nations. Here’s how the ancestors were stolen — and how tribes are working to get them back.
Logan Jaffe, Mary Hudetz, Ash Ngu and Graham Lee Brewer, ProPublica