The Growing Bundle

Contract bundling has been on the rise for the past decade. As a result, a higher percentage of procurement spending is being lumped into mega-deals. In fiscal 1992, the government spent $183 billion on goods and services; 41 percent of which was bundled. By 2001, acquisitions jumped to $214 billion with 51 percent bundled.

Fiscal Year % of contract dollars bundled
1992 41
1993 43.9
1994 42.4
1995 41.4
1996 42.8
1997 41.6
1998 45.3
1999 47.5
2000 45.8
2001 51.2

Source: Eagle Eye Publishing

Editor's note: The government defines contract bundling as two or more contracts that had previously gone to small businesses being combined into a larger award and is no longer suitable for a small company. Eagle Eyes uses an expanded definition to include such things as task orders placed against governmentwide acquisition contracts.

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