Program Savings Through 2003

Program Savings Through 2003

December 1996

Program Savings Through 2003

By pursuing the following efficiency programs, AMC expects to improve service and cut costs by nearly $2 billion by 2003:

Reduce administrative and procurement lead times for spare parts. $278 million
Close the European Redistribution Facility $114 million
Electronically process solicitation and contracting data $ 84 million
Increase wholesale credit for serviceable returns through retention limit (This is a technical change to AMC's credit policy) $ 42 million
Maintain zero cost growth against fiscal 1996 prices $475 million
Redesign spare parts to cut costs, increase reliability and ease of maintenance and support $295 million
Reduce battery consumption $33 million
Merge wholesale and retail stock funds to cut inventory and improve redistribution $380 million
Establish regional maintenance centers $142 million