Alright. I Give Up on the Vetting Process.
Vivek Kundra, Obama's currently-suspended-chief-information-officer, got busted on a petty theft charge in 1997. I don't think one misstep should ruin anyone's career, particularly not if that indiscretion comes at a fairly young age. But, as Valleywag writes:
There are two equally disturbing possibilities here: Either the army of White House lawyers vetting candidates just didn't bother to check Kundra's criminal records. Or they agreed that Kundra's probation-before-judgment maneuver meant the crime he admitted committing in court was nothing to worry about.
I wrote yesterday that I thought a combination of naivete and arrogance were responsible for the failures of the Obama vetting process. But I honestly don't have an explanation for Kundra, and the way revelations about him have continued to leak out. At minimum, the vetting seems poorly done. And the public relations handling of this is an embarrassment to public relations people everywhere. It doesn't matter if Kundra gets to keep his job or not at this point. He's already created a huge mess.
NEXT STORY: St. Patrick's Day