Some Ideas for 'Radical' Cost-Cutting

Research firm Gartner says governments around the world need to quit tiptoeing around the idea of cutting costs. Its analysts argue that in the face of the recent worldwide financial crisis and economic recession, most governments already have pulled the traditional levers for reining in costs.

Now, they say, it's time for "radical" steps. Their list of suggestions includes:

  • Cancel high-risk, high-profile programs.
  • Shut down certain channels for providing services and information to citizens (including electronic ones).
  • Don't launch open government initiatives unless it's for a reason. "Plans should set deadlines for open government initiatives to demonstrate potential for value (and, in particular, contribution to operational efficiency)."
  • Aggressively implement teleworking -- especially if an organization is contemplating furloughs, salary freezes or other cost-reduction measures that affect employee compensation.
  • Reward employees for cost-saving innovation.