Hey Fellows, What's 'Presidential'?

OPM has a question for Presidential Management Fellows: "What does it mean to be presidential?" And they want the answer in video form.

The agency is running a contest for PMFs to define the term "presidential" in a video of 60 seconds or less, uploaded to YouTube. "Leadership? Public Service? Compassion? You tell us what it takes," OPM says. The contest winner, "and possibly runner-ups," will get to have lunch with OPM Director John Berry.

Contestants must be current PMFs and at least 18 years old. (There are under-18 PMFs? I'd be even more interested in hearing what they had to say.) OPM will begin accepting videos Aug. 9, and the contest ends Aug. 31.

At the risk of being picky, isn't asking the meaning of "presidential" kind of an odd question? It sounds like something you'd ask a candidate running for the highest office in the land, not someone preparing to one day enter the executive ranks of a federal agency. It strikes me that of the three words in the PMF name, "management" is the one that's key. But I guess soliciting PMFs' views on management in the federal context might make for a less compelling YouTube experience.

NEXT STORY: Failing Fruitfully