CIOs on the Move

CIOs on the Move

After just four months as the Navy's first chief information officer, Marvin Langston is moving over to the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency as DARPA's new information systems director.

Langston had been acting Navy CIO since August 1996. He was named to the job permanently in June of this year. He also has been the deputy assistant secretary of the Navy for command control, computers, intelligence, electronic warfare and space programs, with major acquisition responsibilities. As CIO, he helped develop the Navy's Information Technology for the 21st Century (IT-21) program, aimed at modernizing the communications and information systems infrastructure.

John Douglass, assistant secretary of the Navy for research, development, and acquisition (ASN RD&A), was appointed acting Navy CIO until a permanent successor to Langston is named. Douglass will retain his ASN duties.

Meanwhile, the Commerce Department has a new assistant secretary for administration and chief financial officer. The Senate confirmed W. Scott Gould, former deputy assistant secretary of the Treasury for departmental finance and management, to the job.

He replaces Raymond G. Kammer, who held those jobs on an acting basis. President Clinton has nominated Kammer, a career federal employee who has spent more than a decade at the National Institute of Science and Technology, to be the new NIST director.

Kammer also was the acting Commerce CIO, but Gould was not given the CIO responsibilities. There was no word on the department's plans for filling the CIO slot.

NEXT STORY: HCFA Nominee on Hold