Pete Souza/White House file photo

President Obama Is Now On Facebook

No, you can't friend him.

Just like your dad, Pres­id­ent Obama got on the Face­book band­wag­on a little be­hind the times.

On Monday, the White House launched a Face­book page for the pres­id­ent—but you can’t friend him: The Face­book pres­ence is set up as a page for a pub­lic fig­ure that users “like,” rather than a pro­file to friend, poke, or in­vite to play Farm­Ville.

“Hello, Face­book! I fi­nally got my very own page,” says the first post. “I hope you’ll think of this as a place where we can have real con­ver­sa­tions about the most im­port­ant is­sues fa­cing our coun­try—a place where you can hear dir­ectly from me, and share your own thoughts and stor­ies.”

The post con­tin­ues: “You can ex­pect some just-for-fun stuff, too.”

Ahead of the pres­id­ent’s trip to Par­is for an im­port­ant sum­mit on cli­mate change, Obama en­cour­aged users to speak out on the is­sue by com­ment­ing and shar­ing the post with friends. The page is sep­ar­ate from an ex­ist­ing White House Face­book page.

It’s also peppered with “life events” from the pres­id­ent’s ca­reer, such as his first and second in­aug­ur­a­tions, and his mar­riage to first lady Michelle Obama.