Play of the Day: John Oliver Compares Donald Trump to So Many Things

According to Last Week Tonight, Trump is like the NFL, a dangerous pet chimp and a lemur eating a banana.

Barack Obama spoke last week on his plans to close the detention center at Guantanamo Bay. The Tonight Show's Jimmy Fallon joked about the term Gitmo and a popular song from the 1990s, while Last Week Tonight noted Obama's protracted attempts at closing it.

Oliver's main segment Sunday night savagely took down Donald Trump's politics, business acumen and general temperament, marking the first time the show addresses the GOP frontrunner's rise. Among other jokes, Oliver compared Trump to a possible cancerous back tumor, saying "it may have seemed harmless a year ago" but that it's now "no longer wise to ignore it." Oliver also noted Trump's tenuous relationship with the truth, comparing it to a lemur's relationship to the United State Supreme Court vacancy.