Flickr user Mount Rainier National Park

Planned Parenthood Critic: Don't Shut Down the Government Over This, Or Any, Issue

New Hampshire gubernatorial candidate Chris Sununu voted to defund the group in his state. But he says congressional Republicans shouldn’t take their opposition too far.

Chris Sununu, the scion of a New Hamp­shire Re­pub­lic­an dyn­asty who is run­ning for gov­ernor in 2016, cast the de­cid­ing vote in the state’s Ex­ec­ut­ive Coun­cil to de­fund Planned Par­ent­hood be­fore he launched his cam­paign. But as mo­mentum to de­fund Planned Par­ent­hood at any cost at the fed­er­al level gains mo­mentum among con­gres­sion­al Re­pub­lic­ans, Sununu said he doesn’t think Re­pub­lic­ans should go so far as to shut down the gov­ern­ment over the is­sue.

“Yes, sim­il­ar to [Sen­at­or] Kelly Ayotte, if they want to con­sider de­fund­ing Planned Par­ent­hood, that’s their choice and I would sup­port that. I do not be­lieve the gov­ern­ment should ever be shut down for something like that, or for any reas­on what­so­ever,” Sununu said.

Sununu, who an­nounced his gubernat­ori­al cam­paign Monday, calls him­self a pro-choice Re­pub­lic­an. But he’s fa­cing cri­ti­cism from Demo­crats after vot­ing to strip Planned Par­ent­hood of North­ern New Eng­land of $639,000 in pub­lic funds, in light of con­tro­ver­sial un­der­cov­er videos show­ing the or­gan­iz­a­tion dis­cuss­ing the sale of fetal tis­sue. In New Hamp­shire, the Ex­ec­ut­ive Coun­cil has veto power over state con­tracts.

But Sununu doesn’t think his vote will hurt him among wo­men voters, though Planned Par­ent­hood touted polling from a Demo­crat­ic firm show­ing that ef­forts to de­fund the or­gan­iz­a­tion are un­pop­u­lar in New Hamp­shire.

“I really be­lieve that is­sue is go­ing to ab­so­lutely back­fire on the Demo­crats and the reas­on is be­cause their sound bites are lies,” Sununu said, point­ing to Demo­crat­ic claims that wo­men will lose ac­cess to health care ser­vices be­cause of his role as the swing vote in the 3-2 de­cision. “Not a single wo­man is go­ing to lose the op­tion for health care be­cause of that vote. Not a single one.”

While the Planned Par­ent­hood vote could be a stick­ing point in the gubernat­ori­al race, Sununu—whose broth­er John was a U.S. sen­at­or and whose fath­er (also John) served as gov­ernor—is a strong con­tender to be­come New Hamp­shire’s first Re­pub­lic­an gov­ernor in more than a dec­ade, par­tic­u­larly if in­cum­bent Demo­crat­ic Gov. Mag­gie Has­san doesn’t run for reelec­tion. Sununu has trailed her in re­cent polls, but Has­san is con­sid­er­ing run­ning for Sen­ate in 2016.

Demo­crats have won nine of the past 10 gubernat­ori­al elec­tions in New Hamp­shire. Asked what his party needs to do dif­fer­ently to buck that trend in 2016, Sununu said he be­lieves it all comes down to can­did­ate qual­ity.

“In New Hamp­shire, it’s really about the can­did­ate. The is­sues mat­ter of course … but we need to con­nect with voters on a very per­son­al level,” Sununu said, echo­ing ad­vice that pres­id­en­tial can­did­ates of­ten get in the state. “That’s why I got in­to the race so early. Name [iden­ti­fic­a­tion] doesn’t mat­ter. You have to get out there and talk to people one-on-one, in­tro­duce your­self per­son­ally.”

Des­pite his fam­ous last name, Sununu said he’s tak­ing noth­ing for gran­ted. “I’m No. 7 of eight kids,” Sununu said. “There were 10 of us in that house­hold and we all chose fairly dif­fer­ent paths. People are al­ways shocked at how little we talk polit­ics with­in the fam­ily. … Frankly, the de­bates in our house­hold grow­ing up were more about the Red Sox versus the Yan­kees—my fath­er was a Yan­kees fan—as op­posed to polit­ic­al de­bates. We have enough of that out­side the house.”

Sununu, who is seen as more so­cially mod­er­ate than his fath­er or broth­er, said he’s not com­mit­ted to mak­ing an en­dorse­ment in the GOP pres­id­en­tial race be­fore the New Hamp­shire primary. And he is not wor­ried about the party nom­in­at­ing a nom­in­ee who would hurt him on a tick­et next Novem­ber. 

Re­gard­ing Don­ald Trump, Sununu offered only po­lite cri­ti­cism. “My biggest con­cern about Mr. Trump, and it’s something my moth­er taught me through my en­tire life: She said, ‘Be a gen­tle­man, and al­ways have man­ners,’” Sununu said. “You know, that’s prob­ably where I dif­fer the most from Mr. Trump. If you don’t have that then there’s no way you can truly con­nect with people. There’s no way you can be in a po­s­i­tion to be a listen­er, and to un­der­stand what some of the op­pos­ing is­sues are.”

“But,” Sununu con­tin­ued, “he says what he means and in a state like New Hamp­shire that car­ries a lot of weight.”

(Image via Flickr user Mount Rainier National Park)