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State Releases New Batch of Clinton Emails

The approximately 6,000 new messages mostly date from 2010 and 2011.

The State De­part­ment re­leased 6,300 new pages of Hil­lary Clin­ton’s emails Wed­nes­day af­ter­noon, a move that will provide more in­sight in­to Clin­ton’s four-year ten­ure as sec­ret­ary of State but is un­likely to provide any bomb­shells.

The new trove of emails—the fifth such re­lease from State—fo­cuses largely on missives from 2010 and 2011, the State De­part­ment said.

Clin­ton turned over more than 55,000 pages of emails to the State De­part­ment back in Decem­ber 2014. Her use of a private email ad­dress, hos­ted on a private serv­er at the Clin­tons’ Chap­paqua, New York, home, came to light in a New York Times re­port in March.

The staggered re­lease of the emails—sev­er­al thou­sand at the end of each month, through Janu­ary of 2016—has be­come what Clin­ton her­self called a “drip, drip, drip” of stor­ies and in­form­a­tion that’s proven harm­ful to her cam­paign. With the sus­tained bad head­lines over her email prac­tices, Clin­ton has seen her fa­vor­ab­il­ity and trust­wor­thi­ness rat­ings drop, and Sen. Bernie Sanders of Ver­mont has quickly gained on her in na­tion­al and state-level polling.

The new round of emails is avail­able here.