
OMB identifies nearly 400 obsolete federal reports

Sen. Warner to offer bill to update and improve reporting requirements.

As it promised in President Obama’s budget submission last February, the Office of Management and Budget on Tuesday posted a list of agency reports considered outdated or duplicative.

The list of 376 at 29 agencies was posted on the newly expanded website and fulfills a requirement of the 2010 Government Performance and Results Modernization Act.

On Wednesday, Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., welcomed the list in a statement saying he would work with OMB on legislation to “eliminate or modify these unnecessary reporting requirements.”

Warner noted that “over the years, federal agencies have been instructed to expend considerable staff time and other resources producing thousands of reports, yet we never look back to see if these reporting requirements might be outdated, duplicative, or even relevant. If these reports are sitting on a shelf collecting dust, then it’s time for them to go.”

(Image via design56/