Performance Reviews and 'Dehumanized Management'

Performance management is underperforming, says Office of Personnel Management Director John Berry.

"There are pockets of excellence, but most agencies don't do performance management well," Berry said on Wednesday during the Interagency Resource Management Conference at Gallaudet University in Washington.

Ouch. Berry said the four pillars of performance management -- standards, reviews, ratings and awards -- have "dehumanized management to a degree that we can no longer ignore." So, what's the answer? Shoot straight, Berry advised. "The key to improving performance is frequent, consistent feedback. Specific constructive feedback tends to be a far more powerful and predictable motivator than pay, in even the private sector."

Performance measures need to be more specific, objective and have more employee buy-in. Managers need to "get real" with employees about "what constitutes a good job," Berry noted.

Easier said than done.