Did Government Take the Shirt Off Congressman's Back?

There's not much to be said about Rep. Chris Lee's Craigslist topless photo scandal, except maybe that politicians certainly don't seem to be getting any smarter about their indiscretions. But I did enjoy this take on the story from Elspeth Reeve of the Atlantic Wire:

The most important thing to note in this story -- apart from the fact that Lee lied about his marital status, lied about his job, called himself "classy", and your standard blah-blah-another-(potential)-adulterer-who-likes-to-legislate-morality -- is that Lee has fairly nice abs.

Lee's office claims his Gmail was hacked, thus suggesting he didn't send those emails. But he has not denied that the picture is of him. How did he get those abs? Lee has been known to pledge to get the government off the backs of the American people. It's just so damn heavy, that government. It was a kind of resistance training, maybe.