A Transparent, Accountable Mascot

Four years ago, I did a series of posts about federal agency mascots. In the process, I learned there were many more than I realized.

So I guess it doesn't surprise me that agencies, especially newer ones, are still prone to developing mascot envy. The latest case in point is Recovery.gov, the official website for data related to implementation of the Recovery Act. The folks there have posted an update on their Facebook page saying they're holding a contest to create a mascot that embodies the site's mission and purpose ("Think transparency and accountability!" they say.)

"Creativity and ingenuity" are required, and entries are due July 1. Hmmm, given that Recovery.gov is run by the Recovery Accountability and Transparency (or "RAT") Board, I think they should expect a lot of rodents. Or if transparency is what they're after, maybe this guy is available.

NEXT STORY: The Oil Spill Response in Pictures