Colbert vs. DeSeve: this time it's personal

From Robert Brodsky:

Comedy Central host Stephen Colbert is not a big fan of, the administration's Web site to track the $787 billion stimulus. Last Tuesday, the late-night comedian went after the administration's implementation of the stimulus, the brouhaha about fake congressional districts and the cost of the Web site. He also had a little fun at the expense of the White House's Recovery Act Coordinator G. Edward DeSeve, pronouncing his last name as "Deceive."

At a Government Executive breakfast last Thursday at the National Press Club, DeSeve shot back:

"Just two days ago, I'm told -- because I don't have cable TV and I don't stay up late - I'm told that I was called out by Stefan Colburt [sic] -- I was called out as being a malefactor in oversight and execution of stimulus. Not only did he call me out, but he perverted the pronunciation of my name."

Well last night, Colbert picked up on those quotes, going after DeSeve again saying he will now be known only through his initials: G.E.D. Ouch. He also threatened to "fight DeSeve anywhere in America, let's say Rhode Island's 65th district. I'll meet you at the corner of Sesame Street and Electric Avenue at 13 o'clock on February 30th.

But, while the late night funnyman may have a bone to pick with DeSeve, we at Government Executive are steamed at Colbert. How dare he not cite us as the host of the Press Club event? Sounds like just another case of "Who's not honoring us now?"

Well in the interest of the peace, love and the holiday season, we would like to offer an olive branch to Colbert. We know how much he likes having pieces of the federal government, such as a NASA treadmill , named in his honor. So, we at Government Executive would like to humbly suggest renaming the public option plan in the House and Senate health care bills after Colbert. Let's admit it. The public option--or the Colbert Option as it will now be known--could certainly use the Colbert bump.