Take It Back, Wonkette!

Look, I'm as big a fan of Wonkette as the next guy. But now the gloves are off. Check out this section of an introductory post from guest blogger Ezra Klein of the American Prospect on the site yesterday:

While you don’t have to respect me, ... if you’re not nice, I’m going to put you in the car, drive to the desert, and drop you off with only a back issue of Government Executive and a cap from the Abramoff collection to keep you warm. So be good.

Reading GovExec as punishment? Whatever. But lumping us in with Jack Abramoff's hats? That's a low blow. (And by the way, Temp Wonkette, you didn't even link to the truly odd Abramaoff chapeau.) For what it's worth, if the kind of federal employees who read our magazine are simply the butt of Wonkette's jokes, how come one of them is going to be taking over the site soon?

NEXT STORY: Bogus Job Ads Stamped Out