Simply Spectacular.

Do you remember in the movie The Princess Bride, when the bad guy Vizzini keeps saying it's "inconceivable" that the hero Wesley repeatedly escapes from every trap laid for him? Vizzini's erstwhile colleague Inigo Montoya finally tells him, "You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means." White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card may be developing a Vizzini problem. On ABC's This Week on Sunday, Card declared that the FDA, whose own scientists are questioning the agency's capacity to approve and regulate drugs, is doing a "spectacular job." On the subject of Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, under fire from members of his own party on Capitol Hill, what single word did Card find to describe his performance? You guessed it: "Spectacular." Update: Maybe Card knows the meaning of the word better than I think he does. An anomymous Fedlog fan writes, "If we consider the definition to be, 'Making a spectacle of one's self,' it works for both of those situations."