Contractors Cry Foul

By Charles S. Clark

The Obama administration's Office of Federal Procurement Policy should "quit relying on interim rules to implement regulation," reads a blast from six major business groups.

In a letter sent on Thursday to chief procurement administrator Daniel Gordon, the group of large industry contractors said a recent rule requiring agencies to move quickly to green purchasing violates the "spirit" of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy Act as well deviating from the administration's commitment to open government.

"Since there is no explanation or apparent reason provided for issuing this interim rule in contradiction to all of the dialogue to date on this initiative, and given the significant cost and administrative impact this rule will have on both the government and the supplier community, there is ample reason to allow comment before making the rule effective," the group wrote. "We respectfully request that the interim rule be withdrawn and republished as a proposed rule."

The letter was signed by TechAmerica, the Professional Services Council, the National Defense Industry Association, the Aerospace Industry Association, the American Council of Engineering Companies and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.