The Week in Comments: 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell,' open season, and the GOP

The best in reader reaction to recent articles.

A roundup of some of the comments received this week in the Mailbag. All comments are presented in their original, unedited form.

On Shutdown scenario appears unlikely

keeping levels at previous years is insufficient. we have to cut 15-20% not 3%. AMazing these liberal POLs just keep spending our kids into chinese debtors prison. Amazing. Nov 2 will help send them a message.


When the Republicans want to get serious about the size of government then they will need to do something about the over 7.6 million contract employees and the over $543 billion in contract dollars (to just the top 200 contractors) in fiscal year ending September 30, 2009.

John J. O'Grady

On Survey: Troops would back 'don't ask' repeal

Interesting how a lot of "officials" ain't wearing uniforms. I realize some do and some have, but it's the rank and file that should have say. I served with "known" gays in uniform. I never found any of them to be less than effective. Their sexual preferences were none of my business or anyone else's. This is a different day from people hiding secret lives and being blackmailed for homosexual tendencies. We need to let it go and if the troops say let it go, the rest of us "old guard" should be listening. Maybe more of us either were or were more tolerant than sexual harassers. Naysayers to repeal need to take a look at some interesting statistics on haraassment in the services. Many of these folks who have ruined lives, are being reprimanded, not discharged.


It is unbelievably easy to fabricate the results of a survey or poll. And, I firmly believe this administration more than capable of doing just that to further their agenda. I, for one, do not believe that the active duty military support this, regardless of what the politicos fabricate to support their position. I truly do not understand why the vast majority has to kow tow to such a very tiny minority that want to live a different lifestyle that the mainstream American. We have become a country focused on the "perceived rights" of made up constituencies (sp?). In the list of issues facing America that we need to focus upon, this item is about 100 billion down the list of priorities that the administration should even remotely consider. I just wish the administration would focus on something of significance instead of lifestyle choices.


JR-You think that the military does not support the repeal and that the results of the survey are fabricated. I can assure you that the survey results are not fabricated. I, for one, took the survey, and support the repeal, as do most of the people that I know. I am sure that you are now thinking that I am either homosexual or an administration "plant"-of which I am neither. But, if you believe that the results of the survey were fabricated in the first place, I am sure you don't believe me when I tell you that. I am simply a person that believes someone should be denied the ability to serve this great country based upon something that is nobody's damn business.

Army Major

On Health coverage changes for feds could result in a robust open season

People should look for the plan that will protect them in an unforeseen illness or injury. The high deductible health plans may be cheaper but your out of pocket expenses will be HUGE if you get sick. Be sure to ask yourself why you have health insurance in the first place. Purchase the excellent coverage and not the cheapest rate!

Susan S

You can bet I'll be one of those looking at changing plans. Most of the plans are increasing o/a 7%, except for Mail Handlers, which is increasing 24%. Carefully comparing it to other plans, it isn't any better.

Marjorie H

On Public-private pay gap is widening, data show

What kind of crazy formula do they use to determine "public-private" pay gaps? There's nearly 10% unemployment and the most stagnant job market in decades, yet Feds make 24% less?! This does not compute. The only private sector folks I know of making more are Federal contractors... Maybe this shows just how distorted government contracting has become?


Wow! The Tea Party insists thet government workers are paid way more than workers in private industry...


DoD is all messed up. We are top heavy, with GS12s doing all our admin work. Nice salary for meaningless work. We have too may employees with no work to do, so telework comes in handy. How many people does it take to run a program? All we do is monitor contractor performance and our programs are heavily manned. We have been on a hiring binge in Govt with no jobs to offer candidates. So are Govt workers overpaid? Most are as 20% of the people do 80% of the work. The rest go to school on govt time, waste time, and telecommute. DoD is getting really bad. It is like a Govt welfare program.


Don't think you're getting paid enough or you don't like your job - LEAVE. People in the office as well as outside are tired of the whining.


On Federal pay and benefits could change with new Congress

I don't have a problem with mandatory furloughs for the federal work force. What about voluntary ones? While most federal workers can't afford a furlough, there are some of us who can. Why not initiate a voluntary one first?


If a republican led congress cuts federal pay and trashes our retirements that will be the end of a federal employee voting for a republican ever again. Reduce hiring, I'm all for that, and reduce the highest paid (GS14 and up equivalent) workers pay because they make too much anyway. But don't touch the pay and benefits for GS13 and below or you will lose a huge voter base.


How interesting that you publish "scare" prophecy on election day. People who haven't voted yet read this and might assume that Republicans might want to downsize their job. Hmm. Who would you want in office with this article fresh in you mind. Poor timing.


It is not a "scare 'prophecy'" or an "attack" for an article to truthfully report what Republicans already have stated as their aims in dealing with the Federal workforce.

Charles Rollins

I have come to the conclusion that a large portion of those 2 million federal employees are idiots. What would this country look like if they would actually stand up and think for themselves? They have the Democrats telling them the Republicans are going to freeze federal hiring? How, pray tell me, will a freeze of hiring affect anyone who has already got a federal job? They have the unions to keep them in their job regardless of how lazy and unproductive they are. And now they have Government Executive to print trash such as this article on Election Day to influence their dull minds at the polls. I am very concerned that we will never rid ourselves of this socialistic, progressive, bound Democrat infection we have suffered for the last many years. Who cares if someone is talented enough to get a federal job after a military career? Smith should be happy with a hiring freeze. Who cares how much money someone can make? Just keep in mind that those millionaires, outside of lottery winners, are the ones that provide most of the jobs the private sector has.


Yeah, yeah what ever! Been here for 21+ years and this sort of fear mongering has been around forever and always will be. The Fed workforce are political footballs and always will be to suit what ever party in power or about to take power. Same old stuff different year.


On Analysis: A referendum on big government

Why is the U.S. Government in the "grocery business" competing with Walmart at a cost of $1,400,000,000 to the taxpayer annually. A cost saving to the military? Nonsense! Bureaucrats do not have the "know-how" to run a business.

Had Enough!

The government is not fat, it's just big boned. I remember the days when I used to get ribbed and ridiculed for working for the U.S. Government. Ha! Now, those same people envy our government jobs and they accuse us of being overpaid, not doing enough, etc. There is no winning. More than likely, the contractors who were making a killing in the W. administration are the sour grapes who are now raising a big stink. Just ride the wave, people, and chill out.


I think it was Thomas Jefferson that said "The government that governs least, governs best"


On Republican House, Senate gains pose peril and opportunity for Obama

Elections 2010--Now that's a change we can really live with. Obama couldn't get any work done with democrats in complete control--how will he get anything done now? Maybe, just maybe, if he spent a little time working rather than campaiigning and taking vacations, and really reaching across the aisle, he could get something done. But with him viewing anyone that disagrees with him as an ENEMY, he may not get anything done.

Not a Tea Bagger

Same asylum, different lunatics. Congrats to the Republicans and the Tea Party for mobilizing the vote. Most of those who voted for Obama and the Democrats in 2008 couldn't be bothered with going to the polls. It will be fun to watch the deficit reduction without meaningful spending cuts, i.e. Defense and SS.

On Republican victory sets stage for new agenda

Misinformation about federal employees --- sure your right.... NTEU needs to get a life. Want to save money.... stop the retired annunant bit where retired SES's come back and still get their retirement pay. DHS CHCO and ICE are good examples. What do they say about that.

Billy Bob

I'm in my 3rd Decade as an engineer with DOD, and have worked long, hard hours, doing the nation's business. To hear Rep. Issa say that Government jobs are not real jobs, is beyond insulting!


Reducing or elminating pay to over 9% of America's workers will be a great help to an economy dependent on consumerism. NOT!


NEXT STORY: Obama Reflects on Big Government