No 'Controversial Opinion' Here

The Transportation Security Administration has issued new guidelines blocking employees from accessing certain Web sites. CBS News reports that the list includes sites that feature any of the following: "chat/messaging, controversial opinion, criminal activity, extreme violence (including cartoon violence) and gruesome content, gaming."

That bit about "controversial opinion" is generating a backlash. In fact, TSA officials felt compelled to issue a response to CBS News, saying, "TSA does not block access to critical commentary about the organization and in fact expressly created the TSA IdeaFactory and the TSA Blog to promote diverse opinions."

That's a good point, actually. TSA is pretty far out ahead of the federal pack in terms of allowing criticism of the agency on its own sites. But what about other sites that are "controversial"? That's a very broad category. Luckily, none of the opinions expressed at Fedblog are "controversial," right?

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