Split Decisions

The National Air Traffic Controllers Association's election for president of the union ended, or perhaps resulted in is a better phrase, in a somewhat surprising result: a split decision between Paul Rinaldi, the current executive vice president, and Ruth Marlin, a former executive vice president. There will be a run-off between the two of them to see who will succeed Pat Forrey, who was defeated in his bid for a second term. When Forrey was elected, it was a clear shift in style from his predecessor, who had taken a combative approach in the union's dealings with the Federal Aviation Administration, which ultimately imposed pay and working conditions on the controllers after declaring contract negotiations deadlocked. I'd be curious to hear more from our controller readers about what you think contributed to the tie in the election, and how you think a switch in leadership might shift NATCA's course.

The election did result in one decisive result: Patricia Gilbert, who chairs NATCA's Legislative Committee, will be the union's new executive vice president.

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