Thanks, GAO

This is obviously an important issue. But who's writing the titles to these things, Andy Rooney? I eagerly await tomorrow's report: "Airline Peanuts: Most Are Of Less-Than-Satisfactory Flavor And Quantity."

Those of you who joined me the last time I guest-hosted here will remember my ongoing fascination with the reports that the Government Accountability Office releases on a regular basis. Obviously GAO studies an extraordinary range of issues, and performs a vital function as an independent investigative apparatus of government. And there is a real value to just having an established fact-of-the-matter about even the most basic issues of public service provision.

That said, I still get a kick out of their report titles, and today does not disappoint:

Hospital Emergency Departments: Crowding Continues to Occur, and Some Patients Wait Longer than Recommended Time Frames

NEXT STORY: Semantics