This Isn't Goodbye...

Okay, well, maybe it is. This is -- sniff -- my final post filling in for Alyssa here at FedBlog. There's so much still to cover! For example: What does it mean that Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO), who will be leading a Senate subcommittee auditing Defense spending, is an avid and prolific Twitterer? Who will, ultimately, take the helm at Commerce? What, exactly, are Janet Napolitano's plans for DHS? The world may never know! Okay, they will. But I won't get to blog about it!

Anyway: Not to get all Sally Field on you good folks, but a few thanks are in order. Thanks to my wonderful co-blogger, Elizabeth Newell, for being, well, wonderful. Thanks to Alyssa and to Tom Shoop for so graciously lending me this space and your eyeballs for a week and, frankly, letting me say just about whatever I want. Thanks to Svetlania Wiczer for keeping the technical wheels turning behind the scenes. And finally, thanks, of course, to all of you for reading, commenting, and prodding me to think differently and more carefully about issues than I had before. It was truly a fun and gratifying experience.

Now, I'll return to my also-very-cool day job at the National Academy of Public Administration, and more specifically, the Collaboration Project, where we're helping to bring government into the Web 2.0 era if it's the last thing we do. (Also, in case I didn't mention this, my opinions are not necessarily those of my employer.) If you're truly a glutton for punishment, you can also follow me on Twitter at dan_munz; it's a fairly random mix of political observation, miscellany, amusing links, and personal administrivia. (What'd you expect in 140 characters?)

Thanks again for having me -- it's been a blast.

NEXT STORY: Fulfilling the Fixed-Price Promise