Bush offers governors improved lines of communication

President stands firm on policies, but pledges to do a better job of consulting with governors on issues including potential National Guard cuts.

President Bush on Monday offered the nation's governors what GOP Gov. Mike Huckabee of Arkansas called an "olive branch," offering to better explain policies on the National Guard and the Dubai Ports World deal.

But Huckabee, the National Governors Association chairman, and Democratic Gov. Janet Napolitano of Arizona, who briefed reporters at the White House following a meeting with Bush, reported no policy concessions by the president, who faced a group of state chief executives angry about not being consulted.

"He's willing to push on the decisions he believes that are right regardless of the public reaction," said Huckabee, who called the session a "very frank and candid" meeting.

"But he also extended, I think, to us a genuine olive branch to say, 'You know, if I've not been as thorough in consultation on issues like the ports or the National Guard, then let's sit down and work through the details, and I'll make available anyone in the administration that is necessary so that you'll have the details and feel comfortable with it,'" Huckabee added.

Governors are in town for their annual winter meeting.

Huckabee appeared to indicate that the unhappiness was less with the ports decision as it was with the lack of consultation. "As far as the ultimate decision to allow this company to operate in the free market, I think most of us recognize that's a legitimate issue, and a legitimate concern," he said.

Nevertheless, Napolitano said the governors encouraged an upcoming review of the deal to "really look at the level of security review that goes into decisions like this." The governors also expressed concerns about possible cuts in funding for the National Guard.

Napolitano said the governors are also concerned about cost shifts to the states other areas, including homeland security, Temporary Assistance to Needy Families, and child support enforcement.

Huckabee expressed satisfaction with reforms already enacted on Medicaid, but indicated the governors would keep an eye on future Medicaid cost shifts as well. Napolitano and Huckabee were meeting at press time with Defense Secretary Rumsfeld and the joint chiefs of staff to discuss possible National Guard funding cuts.