DoD announces child care fee hike

DoD announces child care fee hike

Fees at military child care facilities will increase by about $1 to $2 more per child each week for the 2000-2001 school year, DoD officials announced June 21.

The fees keep pace with estimates of inflation. DoD family policy officials review and update child care fees annually.

Depending on their total family income, DoD families will pay between $40 and $116 per child per week during the upcoming school year. The fee represents about half the cost of child care, the remainder is paid with appropriated funds from Congress.

How much parents pay for military child care is based on the family's total income. This includes all earned income - wages, salaries, tips, long-term disability benefits and voluntary salary deferrals. It also includes service members' combat pay, housing and subsistence allowances, and the value of meals and lodging furnished in-kind to military personnel residing on military installations.

Installation commanders set fees within DoD ranges. This gives the commander flexibility to adjust fees based on the cost of living in the local area. Commanders also have the authority to use an optional high-cost fee range in areas where it is necessary to pay child care providers higher wages to compete in the local labor market.

Installation child development centers may begin charging the following fees anytime between Aug. 1 and October 1.

 Category       Total Family    Range of Weekly         Optional High

 Income         Fees Per Child          Cost Range      

 I              0-23,000                $ 40 -  53              $ 45 -  56

 II             23,001-34,000     50 -  64                55 -  68

 III            34,001-44,000     61 -  76                67 -  81

 IV             44,001-55,000     74 -  86                80 -  92

 V              55,001-69,999     88 - 100             91 - 105

 VI             70,000+          103 - 114               104 - 116


Commanders may offer a 20 percent fee discount for each additional child from the same family. Hardship waivers may be granted for families in unique financial circumstances.

Category 1 ($0-$23,000)
Service Hours per week 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50
Minimum $4 $7 $11 $15 $18 $22 $26 $29 $38
Maximum $5 $10 $15 $20 $25 $30 $36 $41 $51
High Minimum $5 $8 $12 $17 $21 $25 $29 $33 $43
High Maximum $6 $11 $16 $21 $26 $32 $38 $43 $54

Category 2 ($23,001-$34,000)
Service Hours per week 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50
Minimum $5 $9 $14 $19 $23 $28 $33 $38 $48
Maximum $6 $12 $18 $24 $30 $37 $43 $49 $61
High Minimum $6 $10 $16 $21 $26 $31 $37 $42 $53
High Maximum $7 $13 $19 $26 $32 $39 $46 $52 $65

Category 3 ($34,001-$44,000)
Service Hours per week 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50
Minimum $6 $11 $17 $23 $28 $35 $41 $47 $58
Maximum $7 $14 $22 $29 $37 $44 $51 $59 $73
High Minimum $7 $13 $19 $25 $31 $39 $45 $51 $64
High Maximum $8 $15 $23 $30 $39 $47 $54 $62 $77

Category 4 ($44,001-$55,000)
Service Hours per week 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50
Minimum $7 $14 $21 $28 $36 $43 $50 $57 $71
Maximum $8 $16 $24 $33 $42 $50 $58 $66 $82
High Minimum $8 $15 $23 $30 $39 $46 $54 $61 $76
High Maximum $9 $17 $26 $36 $45 $53 $62 $71 $88

Category 5 ($55,001 - 69,999)
Service Hours per week 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50
Minimum $8 $16 $25 $33 $42 $50 $59 $67 $83
Maximum $9 $18 $28 $38 $48 $57 $66 $76 $94
High Minimum $9 $17 $26 $36 $44 $53 $61 $70 $87
High Maximum $10 $20 $29 $40 $50 $60 $69 $79 $99

Category 6 ($70,000+)
Service Hours per week 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 50
Minimum $9 $18 $28 $38 $47 $59 $68 $77 $95
Maximum $10 $20 $33 $44 $53 $64 $74 $86 $107
High Minimum $10 $19 $29 $40 $49 $60 $70 $79 $99
High Maximum $11 $22 $34 $45 $55 $67 $77 $88 $111