Firm tries to sell agencies on bomb-proof wallpaper

Firm tries to sell agencies on bomb-proof wallpaper

If yours is among the many agencies scrambling to beef up security in response to the presidential order on "critical infrastructure protection," consider a new product that's on the market: bomb-resistant wallpaper.

It's made of Kevlar, the same stuff used in bulletproof vests, and is manufactured in Israel, where they know a thing or two about security.

When a bomb explodes at your building, the wall covering keeps fragments from passing through interior walls and doing even more damage, explains Anthony Valletta, a vice president of technology company SRA International Inc. of Fairfax, Va.

SRA is selling a package of security services and products to strengthen not only information security but also clients' physical plants. Besides the wallpaper, SRA sells blast mitigation windows and doors and protective walls.