Gore orders agencies to review software

Gore orders agencies to review software


Vice President Al Gore Thursday announced an executive order instructing federal executives to review the software on their computers to make sure agencies are not violating copyright laws.

In announcing the effort to combat computer software piracy, Gore suggested that agencies prepare inventories of the software on their computers and then determine which programs the agency actually has the authorization to use.

"Today we are declaring war on software piracy," Gore said. "The message is clear: Don't copy that floppy."

Under the executive order, each agency must develop procedures to ensure that the agency does not use computer software in violation of copyright laws. Agencies must also enforce the order with contractors and grant recipients found to violate copyright laws.

The Chief Information Officers Council will develop performance measures to gauge agencies' progress on meeting the order's requirements. The order also gives the Office of Management and Budget the job of making sure agencies carry out the new policy.

Gore committed to strengthening federal policy on protecting software last month at the annual conference of the Software Publishers Association, a Washington-based trade group. The association offers guidance for developing software policies on its Web site.