News Briefs

News Briefs

The following news summaries are from OPM AM, the daily newsletter of the Office of Personnel Management. OPM AM is available on OPM Mainstreet, the agency's electronic bulletin board, at 202-606-4800.

March 12, 1998

News Briefs

CBO: VETOES WORTH $569 MILLION-"President Clinton's successful line-item vetoes of budget items in 1997 will save the federal government $569 million over five years, the Congressional Budget Office said yesterday" (The Washington Post).

SOUTER AGAINST TV IN COURT-"Supreme Court Justice David H. Souter yesterday reiterated his opposition to allowing television cameras into the nation's highest court" (The Washington Post).

REVIEW OF JUSTICE DEPARTMENT BEGINS-"The Justice Department doesn't want to see its 2,600-strong army of Washington-based lawyers reduced, Deputy Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. told the House Judiciary Committee" (The Washington Post).

NEXT STORY: Child Care Changes Proposed